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Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Meaning of the Om Symbol

The Meaning of the Om Symbol
1Swami Dayananda Saraswati1..............:

Om is a very beautiful, single syllable word. In Kañopaniùad (1-2-15)
it is said that:

sarve vedā yatpadamāmananti
tapāüsi sarvāõi ca yadvadanti
yadicchanto brahmacaryaü caranti
tatte padaü saïgraheõa bravīmyomityetat

"All the Vedas talk about that goal, to know which, people take
to a life of study and discipline, that I will tell you briefly.
That is Om.
So, this is something desiring which, people take to studious,
contemplative and disciplined life – sacrificing a lot. And what is that? Om.
You cannot be any briefer."
12/12/09 delete

Power of Chanting OM
In Hinduism and other Indian religions, a sacred syllable considered the greatest of all mantras. The syllable om is composed of the three sounds a-u-m . Just as the sound of Om represents the four states of brahman.
the symbol Om written in Sanskrit also represents everything.
Om, written in
Devanagari as ॐ

Chinese and Japanese as 唵

Tibetan as ༀ

sanskrit as pranava प्रणव

"to sound out loudly" or omkara ओंकार lit.

OM is a mystical or sacred syllable in the Indian religions, including Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism, and in Bön.

The Power of Chanting Om
1. The chanting of Om drives away all worldly thoughts and removes distraction and infuses new vigour in the body.

2. When you feel depressed, chant Om fifty times and you will be filled with new vigour and strength. The chanting of Om is a powerful tonic. When you chant Om, you feel you are the pure, all pervading light and consciousness.

3. Those who chant Om will have a powerful, sweet voice. Whenever you take a stroll, you can chant Om. You can also sing Om in a beautiful way. The rythmic pronunciation of Om makes the mind serene and pointed, and infuses the spiritual qualifications which ensure self-realization.

4. Those who do meditation of Om daily will get tremendous power. They will have lustre in their eyes and faces.